
Did you know?

Worldwide an estimated 21 million people are enslaved.

Syria’s civil war began in March of 2011.  That’s 4 years ago and it’s still ongoing.  It’s just not in the news anymore.

More African Americans were killed in 2014 by police than the number of people who died on 9/11.

51 percent of U.S. public school students are eligible for free or reduced-cost lunches.

Homosexual acts can be punished by death in 12 countries.

In March, Africa’s deadliest terror group, Boko Haram, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State (Isis).

The coating that protects hot beverage cups from their contents is a contaminant that will disrupt the remanufacturing process. Current technology does not have a biodegradable solution.  Help save the planet by simply carrying around a reusable coffee mug.

From First to Third World problems, you can make a difference. Simply begin.


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