Gift Planning

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Gift Planning with Immediate Tax Benefits

Here are some additional ways you can help and get a current tax deduction:

  • Current gifts of assets other than cash: stocks, bonds, life insurance, autos, boats, planes, and real estate. For example you may own a vacant lot but never got around to building on it.  These gifts are currently tax deductible.  If you are over age 70.5, you can give up to $100,000 until December 31, 2015 from your IRA with no tax on the distribution.
  • You may own income producing property, but don’t need the income from it currently.  However you wish to give the property to your heirs upon your death. A Charitable Lead Trust can easily be set up, providing you with a current tax deduction.
  • You may own income producing property, and do need the income from it currently.  You can set up a Charitable Remainder Trust now so that the property transfers to us upon your death, generating current income tax deductions.
  • You may have other assets that you don’t need during your life, but wish to pass them on to your heirs. You can purchase life insurance equal in value to the property you wish to gift to us, with your heirs as the beneficiary. Then, gift the assets to us now. This is known as a Wealth Replacement Trust.
  • You can simply name us in your will by adding a codicil to your current will.  You may also name us as a beneficiary of part or all of your life insurance.  Join our Legacy Society by giving 2% of your estate to us at your death.
  • You can donate your primary or secondary residence or farm, yet retain the use of it during you and your spouse’s life. A Residential Trust set up now will generate a substantial income tax deduction.
  • Gift annuity- a transfer of cash or securities now will pay you a monthly income for your life plus the life of another beneficiary you choose. Part of your income is tax free, part is ordinary income and part is capital gain.
  • Gift shares of your family business to us now, yet retain control and generate tax savings now.
  • Set up a trust so the principal passes to us after a specified amount of income is paid to your children or other beneficiaries.
  • You can gift assets in a reversionary trust. This means that after the time period you specify the assets revert to you. In the meantime, we receive the income and you get an immediate substantial income tax deduction.

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